What About Love?

An Inspired Essay by Rev. Marcia Sutton

The Presence of Divine Love, as it is recognized, realized and revealed through individual consciousness, is the great healing elixir for humanity. It releases the Light into the dark recesses of our minds, souls and flesh. It proclaims null and void the errors born out of the blood and body of our ancestors. It dispels the illusions of the mind that are masquerading disbelief and fear. It alone has the power to bring us forward into Its very heart. And I'm learning that as I consciously surrender into this Presence of Love, more is being revealed to me.

Previously I have spoken about the importance of realizing that what was flowing through the man Jesus was more significant than the doctrines that evolved out of his historical life. And what moved through him was the Living Presence of God that is the Light of Christ. Remember, Jesus said that the Light of Divine Radiance that was in him is in us. That is to say, it moves through us to the degree that we identify with It and become It through real spiritual practice. The promise is that each of us shall become a "Light unto the World." I think this promise is real for us right now and it is already happening. It happens each time we gather together in worship and group spiritual practice. It takes place every time we lay down judgments and accusations about others, the world and ourselves. It takes place every time we see through the power of appearances and seek to understand the spiritual message behind every experience. It takes place every time we turn away from the pull of the world and listen for the sweet call of Spirit.

Recently, I have come to see that this same dynamic of focusing on what was moving through Jesus Christ also applies to Blessed Mother Mary. Since the beginning of this year, I have been moving closer to her, identifying with her and wanting to understand her special gift to humanity. As with Jesus, I came to realize that what was flowing through the Holy Mother was more important than the religious doctrines that evolved out of her historical life. What was revealed to me is that it was Divine Love moving and living Itself through her. Divine Love was so fully present within her that she was the chosen one, the blessed one, to birth Jesus and thus bring forth Christ into the world.

I have also come to see that it was the Consciousness of Christ moving through the faith of my being that taught me how to love others. Of course, there have been times when it was just too difficult to muster up even a little love for some people in my life. But I learned that as I asked the Christ Light in me to love them through me, a way was always given. You see, I learned that even when couldn't love, Love Itself as Christ could always find the way. Even when I had closed my heart, this Presence of Love could find a way to open it. This is because Love always answers love. I just needed to learn to ask.

As the Christ within teaches us to love others, I have discovered that it's the Love that Mary represents that is teaching me how to love myself. It's her healing Love that is healing my self judgments, accusations and condemnations.

It is written that she was a virgin. As I have suggested before, I see that the mystery behind this belief is that she had a pure heart, a virgin heart, if you will. In other words, in her heart, Love flowed so freely that when the Angel of the Lord appeared before her, she didn't waiver. Instead, she said "yes" to God. She didn't tremble. She stood faithfully as if to say, "Here I am, Lord."

And so I ask myself, "What needs to be purified in me so that Love can have a greater expression through me in service to the revelation of Christ in humanity?" As I have asked this question more deeply these past few months, Mary has answered. I hear that the Love that moved through her can be invited to move through me. Again, I have to ask. That means another surrender. Am I worthy of such Love? I don't really know but I'm willing to extend the invitation. It soon becomes a daily part of my spiritual practice as I pray, "Blessed Mary, purify my soul with your Love so that Christ may be glorified in my flesh."

In a prior essay, "The Blessed Mother," I wrote that Mary represents the qualities of love, courage and faith. This still holds true for me today. However, through my spiritual practice, I have been led into a deeper understanding of these qualities for the evolution of my own soul in Christ.

I know of no other activity in the world where courage has been so needed than when I have been called to face my own error. I know of no other place in the world where faith is so necessary as when I have stood at the "holy jumping off place" and stepped into the formless nothingness of Christ so that It could take form through me in new and wondrous ways. I know of no place, person or situation in my life where I am not called to the higher standard of where Love asks me to come.

As I go more deeply into the mystery of Mary, I discover how little I've actually known about Love. For example, I was recently facilitating a "Sacred Healing Service" when I had the strange sensation that a part of my consciousness was in each person's soul. Yes, it seemed as if the Light in me was shining Itself into the dark rooms of their unconsciousness. And all the while the Spirit of Mary was speaking to my heart with the words, "Just love them....Just love them." It was as if I were being guided to love the darkness, the error and the unconsciousness in each person. I was so humbled because, somewhere from deep within me, I knew it was the most holy thing I would ever do in that room with those beloveds.

In a sense, it's what Mary did as she stood witness to the persecution of her beloved son. There was still room in her "imma-culate heart" to love the unconscious darkness that was being played out through all of the people who participated in his crucifixion. Love knew in her that there was more to be given, more to be revealed. Standing in that healing service, I knew that behind the darkness was the Light of lights waiting to be called forward. Did Mary know that this Light would bring forth a resurrection? I don't know. However, I do know that Love did. And because Love did, she had the courage and the faith to be open for Love's ultimate expression through her. Love used her then and It continues to use her Spirit to teach us how to love. Yes, Mary's Spirit of Love is teaching me more about love.

The Holy Mother's Love is among us. A new room in the many mansions has been opened to me. It has been opened to all of us. What moved through Mary is moving through us right now. Our work is to consciously duplicate It in our lives. The Angel Gabriel, who first appeared to Mary, stands before each of us saying, "You are highly favored ...blessed is your life." How are we to answer? Are we willing to be a center for Love to enter the world? Be careful not to answer too soon. Pause. Pray. Meditate. Look within....for I can tell you it's the single most difficult spiritual practice to which I have been called. However, today, I know that there is truly only one answer.....

"God's the Love that I Am."

Rev. Marcia Sutton - July 2002